Message from the Principal

Kia Ora Whānau

Stratford Primary School has a proud history of providing quality education for children in the Stratford area. Positive community support is a strength, while there has always been a strong sense of traditional pride in the school’s achievements. I look forward to continue to work with parents, staff and students as we continue to grow as a learning community. I want all our children to develop into great people, where they have a passion for learning and can have lots of choices when they enter the workforce.

My advice to parents and whānau is to work in partnership with teachers to provide the best education for your child/children. Students need adults to be at their best to support them. Here are some tips:

Partners in learning: Helping your child do well at school

You know your child better than anyone, including their strengths and weaknesses, their interests and talents, and what works for them. You are the most important out-of-school influence on your child’s educational success. Your child’s teacher is the most important in-school influence on your child’s educational success. They will take the time to know your child – what they are interested in and how they like to learn.

Your child is more likely to make progress and succeed when you, your child and their teachers:

  • work together in a way that is focused on learning
  • share information and expertise
  • acknowledge, understand and celebrate similarities and differences.

A child who does well at school and learns a range of skills both in and out of school will have more opportunities and choices in life. Many children will need extra help at some time during school. Children who need extra help with their learning will benefit even more from extra encouragement and help at home (Source:

Resources for parents: Click here

Ngā Mihi

Jason Elder
Stratford Primary School