School Camps

Stratford Primary School offers the following camps:

Year 7-8 Students: 
# Odd Year= A week at Forest Lake Camp in Levin (Week 4-5 in Term 1)
# Even Year= Two nights in Te Wera Forest (Week 4-5 in Term 1).

Year 5-6 Students:
# Odd Year: Two nights at the Konini Lodge on Mt Taranaki (Term 1)
# Even Year: Two nights at Vertical Horizons in Inglewood (Term 1)

Cost of the camps:
Stratford Primary School is part of the Ministry of Education School Donations Scheme. In the donations scheme, parents can be asked to contribute a donation for the cost of attending any overnight camps.

At SPS, we ask for a donation to cover the cost of camps. For example, the Forest Lakes camp costs approximately $30,000. For any parents who cannot afford the camp at the time, if they wish to they can pay the donation off over time. This can be in weekly instalments, for example $5 per week. Parents who cannot afford the donation are encouraged to contact the office. The school receives a community grant each year to help us cover this cost.

At SPS we always ensure every student can attend camp, if parents cannot pay or are unwilling to pay a donation.

For further information check out the Ministry of Education School Donations page, which can be found here.