Friday 22 November 2024

Tēnā Koutou Katoa

Regan Street is being closely monitored by the Police. Remember, the speed limit is still 30 km at all times. The Stratford District Council has advised this will change in the near future to a variable speed zone. 

Next week, ākonga will get the opportunity to spend time in their 2025 syndicates. Students will spend twenty minutes in each of the four different classrooms. This will support any anxious students who maybe worried about the change. 

Year 7-8 ākonga have their Social on Thursday night. This is always a wonderful event. Students dress up and enjoy dancing to the traditional dances they have been learning. Further details will be shared via the School App. 

On Friday, the school will celebrate and thank staff who are leaving at the end of 2024. 

In Week 8, ākonga will bring home their Learning Journey Report (Or Individual Educational Plan). Included with reports will be:
– Confirmed class and teacher for 2025. 
– Class stationery lists for 2025. 
– A booking form for new years Whānau Meetings (Connection Hui). This replaces the Goal Setting meeting that occurs on the very first day of the school year. Parents are encouraged to book a time now to get the best spot that suits them. 

Week 7: Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November
# Tuesday 26 November:  Transition visits to new Syndicates.
# Wednesday 27 November: Swimming (Yr 5-8); Ākonga Council Meeting.
# Thursday 28 November: Swimming (Yr 1-4); Year 7-8 Social from 5.45 – 7.45pm. 
# Friday 29 November: Assembly at 9.15am (All whānau are welcome to attend); Transition visits to new Syndicates.

Important Links:
Touch at SPS
Food in School: KDJ Menu
Staff contact emails
Enrolment for Out of Zone Students
Notices/Team Newsletters/School Bank Details/How to use the School App
School Newsletters
# School 0800 Number: 0800-000-352

Ngā Mihi

Deborah Campbell
Deputy Principal
Stratford Primary School