Friday 2 February 2024

Tēnā Koutou Katoa

Click here to view the latest School Newsletter. 

Next Friday is Whānau Day. Parents, please remember to collect your token early next week if you are intending on coming and would like a sample of Hangi to try. We will still have our assembly next Friday at 9.15am; while Whānau Day will start in the hall at 11.30am. Please read the newsletter for more information. 

Whānau Day: Meat Donations and Hangi Help
# Hangi helpers on the day (hangi pit/servers/kitchen crew). If you are able to help on the day or have any queries please contact Whaea Sheenagh 0272048900 or email
# Urgent Donations of meat – beef, lamb or pork (Contact Whaea Sheenagh if you can donate any meat).

Week 2: Monday 5 to  Friday 9 February

  • Monday 5 February: School as usual.
  • Tuesday 6 February: Waitangi Day. No School.
  • Wednesday 7 February: Hangi vegetables to class; Whānau to collect hangi tokens from the office.
  • Thursday 8 February: Hangi vegetables to class.
  • Friday 9 February: Assembly at 9.15am (All whānau are welcome to attend); Whānau Day from 11.30am in the hall. 

Important Links:
Food in School: KDJ Menu
Staff contact emails
Enrolment for Out of Zone Students
Notices/Team Newsletters/School Bank Details/How to use the School App
School Newsletters
# School 0800 Number: 0800-000-352

Ngā Mihi

Jason Elder
Stratford Primary School