Wiki Tuaono (Week 6), Term 2 2024: Next week’s message from Jason Elder
Thursday 30 May 2024
Tēnā Koutou Katoa
Tamariki have enjoyed the week. Our Year 5-6 ākonga were involved in the local Rippa Rugby Tournament, which was run superbly by the Taranaki Rugby Union. It was great to see so many tamariki competing against each other over the day. A huge thank you to the coaches and whānau for their support.
Our Year 7-8 ākonga have enjoyed their Technology week, the second one this year. The products being produced have been awesome, and the engagement has been fantastic by our Senior Ākonga.
Home and School: The Family Pie Fundraiser forms have all been sent home with the tamariki. They do need to be returned to the office by Friday 28th June; please ensure that you have the correct amount of cash. Pies will then be collected on Wednesday 17 July from the school hall between 1-3pm (Note: this is in the school holidays). If you require another form please call in and see the office staff.
Here are important reminders for whānau:
# A reminder that there is no school tomorrow as we have a Ministry of Education Teachers Only Day.
# Basketball is still on tomorrow despite the Teachers Only Day.
# Monday 3 June is a holiday (King’s Birthday).
Week 6, Term 2: Tuesday 4 to Friday 7 June
# Tuesday 4 June: Ākonga Council Hui
# Wednesday 5 June: Yr 5-6 Sports Exchange with Oakura (Home Game)
# Thursday 6 June: Kapa Haka; Syndicate Speech Finals;
# Friday 7 June: Assembly at 9.15am (All whānau are welcome to attend).
Important Links:
# Winter Sports (Netball, Gymnastics, Football, Hockey)
# Basketball
# Food in School: KDJ Menu
# Staff contact emails
# Enrolment for Out of Zone Students
# Notices/Team Newsletters/School Bank Details/How to use the School App
# School Newsletters
# School 0800 Number: 0800-000-352.
Ngā Mihi
Jason Elder
Stratford Primary School