When: Monday 29 January
Time: 8am until 4.30pm
Length: 15 minutes
Purpose: To set 1-2 SMART Goals and for whānau to sign off on all the forms listed below. Goals will be based around last our SPS Learning Values and/or next steps from their last school report/IEP.
How to book a time: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz –> enter the code bbdyb → add parent details → add tamariki details → select the class → select the time.
Before the Goal Setting Meetings, please read the following forms. At the meeting, whānau will then be asked to sign off on the forms to cover:
- Blanket Consent for school trips other than overnight camps
- Year 3-8: Internet User Agreement
- Year 3-8: BOYC Agreement to use a Chromebook at school.